One day I will look back on these days where nothing too special or out of the ordinary happened and miss them so. :)
Here is Wednesday, April 13, 2016 documented!
7:27 am wake up call... please trust me... this is a rare occasion. I got to sleep in on this particular day, which was awesome!
First things first... check on my babies...

...then make my bed! :)

Next head downstairs as Justin hops in the shower to let Holden out.

And more importantly, make my cup of coffee!

Then I made Justin's lunch as I do every morning! He eats alot. Haha!

After that's all finished, I head to the computer to catch up with all of you and post on the blog for the day. I love this me time in the morning to get my day going!

When the kiddos start squirming, I get them their morning milk and they watch Curious George. that I can make them breakfast! This morning was pancakes and strawberries!

I catch a quick shower by 9...

...then head down to prep morning snacks for our morning out!

After the kids' snacks are packed, I tackled the job of dressing them for the day. Why does this always take forever?!

Now we headed to the bounce house with friends for the morning! Gotta burn some energy!

But before we get there, I stopped at the store to pick up some produce for dinner!

Elena and Ty love mornings at the bounce house! And I love the naps that follow!

By noon, we are home eating lunch! Elena is already snoozing away!

I had left over grilled chicken and salad for lunch!

Once I laid Ty down for his nap, I headed back to the computer for some photo editing!

This night was my night for the meal swap, so I made dinner during nap time. Thanks, Mix and Match Mama for this Mexi Mac and Cheese recipe! It was delish!

Here is my friend's dinner all ready for delivery!

I got just a few minutes of relaxation before Elena woke up for the afternoon!
She literally gave me moments of relaxation. If you look closely the monitor is already going off!

After both kids woke up, we had afternoon snacks and headed to the local strawberry patch to pick fresh strawberries for the rest of the week!

They LOVE picking strawberries!

After we got home, we had some time to play outside, deliver dinner, and then come in for dinner by 5:30 when Justin got home.
After dinner, I got to leave for an appointment and Justin took the kids for a hike by the neighborhood playground! Ty loves hiking with his dad.

After my appointment, I had a few minutes to catch up on some DVR before the kiddos got home.

Bath and bed for them...

I had so much fun with this show and tell Tuesday! I love my job! :)
I love your bedspread! What a wonderful day you had--and I've made that same recipe before :)
ReplyDeleteSarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts