Well, it's been about five months since I grabbed a warm cup of coffee and thought to myself, "Today is a great day to visit my lonely blog." The last trimester of my pregnancy had me like, "hello, sofa! Kids, watch this movie and let Mommy close her eyes!" It was also full of nesting, welcoming my two gorgeous new nieces to the world, finishing up some photo sessions before it was time to welcome our little guy in August, and lots of visits to the pool to wear out Ty and Elena. Summer is always a crazy time of year, but I definitely feel like this summer was jam-packed and flew by.

It was a Sunday night in late October... the night before Ty's first day of preschool that contractions started. I was in denial that we were in labor, but I labored all night and at 12:15 on Monday afternoon, we welcomed our third blessing to our family. It only took us an hour of his life to give him a name, but he,without a doubt, is Noah Alexander. The name fits him perfectly and he is the perfect addition to our clan.

Needless to say, the past five and half weeks have been pretty much a whirlwind and all the days and nights have run together. People always told me and Justin that the transition from one to two kids is the hardest and all the rest aren't bad. I would beg to differ.

Learning our new routine and being outnumbered in our own home was quite the adjustment. This combined with Ty starting school all in the same week made for an incredibly emotional ride for a post-partum mama. But I can definitely say that it's been worth it.
We are starting to get some sleep again because Noah is a great sleeper. And we are getting into our real-life routines again after Justin went back to work from his month-long paternity leave (thank you, Jesus, for that!).
I must say I have a whole new appreciation for mamas that have multiple children. It really is a labor of love to keep things moving and making sure all the kids are happy and fed. Let alone finding time to shower and even use the bathroom.
There have been several moments when Justin and I just look at each other and start laughing because it is unreal to us that this so quickly became our life. Once upon a time (only four years ago) we were going out mid week for dinner and drinks and thought we were busy with work and whatever else we had going on. Somehow though, in merely three and a half years we are neck-deep in diapers, carseats, soccer games, and picking up teeny tiny pieces of pretty much anything but the kitchen sink off the carpets all through out the house. How does it happen so fast?
I'm doing my best to really soak this time in. As fast as it came, I know it will go and I will look back and miss the chaos.
If I find time to catch up on the blog, I call that a win. In the meantime, I have also been working on building my photography business and run this household. We stay busy. We stay crazy. I have no brain most days. I hands have never been this full. My laundry machine has never run so much. My sink has never seen so many dishes. But my heart has never been this full. I am so grateful God chose me for this life. I am thankful He chose Justin and me to be Ty, Elena, and Noah's parents.
My favorite time of year is upon us and we have so many family activities planned, from pumpkin patches, to Halloween parties, to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I cannot wait to see how we manage the holidays as a family of five.

To all the mamas that have done it and done it well, you rock. To all the mamas that are starting out and adjusting to life with a child for the first time, you rock. Motherhood is a wild ride. And that is the understatement of the year.
Cheers to me for finding the time for me this morning. To sip a cup of coffee and write while my kids watch Daniel Tiger and baby Noah sleeps peacefully in the rocker. Happy Thursday!