It's Friday!! Woo hoo! I am ready for the weekend and a fresh week of hopefully gorgeous weather! Today I get to spend lunch with my little family doing our tradition of lunch and visiting the fish at Bass Pro. It's one of Ty's most favorite times of the week and Elena is slowly catching on that she should be excited to go see Daddy too!
Here are some of my favorites from the week. All of which I have enjoyed this week!
ONE: Le Croix Passionfruit
I bought this on sale from Teeter this week and it reminded me how much I love flavored water. Being pregnant and finding a new beverage to enjoy is the best. This Passionfruit flavor is delicious and it's doesn't make me feel the least bit guilty since IT IS WATER!
TWO: Canisters of Ranch Seasoning
This week I needed to borrow Ranch seasoning from my neighbor to make the crock pot buffalo chicken. When she told me she had a canister and I could use however much I wanted, I couldn't believe I had been missing out this long! All these years of buying the little envelopes and I could've been stocked with a can of it! It's these little mom hacks that I love!
THREE: My new sunhat
For my birthday, one of my gifts was this cute sunhat from Nordstrom. My mom got it for me because she knows how much I love the beach and she wanted me to have something adorable to wear on my trip to Hilton Head Island. I tested it out a few weekends ago at Carolina Beach and it was awesome. It protected my face and it stayed on my head despite some gusty winds. I can't wait to sit by the pool with a mocktail and this hat on my head!
FOUR: Life Planner

I am so late to the Erin Condren party, but I made it! I have wanted an Erin Condren Life Planner for about 5 years now. There were some girls on my team when I taught that started using her gear, but I never wanted to spend $50 on a planner. Well, I noticed last month that they were 50% off and I knew this was my chance to see if it was worth it! I LOVE IT! I have taken it everywhere and I feel so organized. Not to mention it is so cute with pictures of all of my kids on it! :)
FIVE: Snickers Ice Cream Minis
I grabbed these from the freezer section last week in my pregnant state of mind, but they have been a happy medium for me. I love the mini size because it gives me all the pleasure but only a part of the guilt to have one after dinner. And I love cold treats like this because I don't have them very often. YUM!
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! It's another big birthday weekend for Ty and Elena! We will be celebrating two special little girls tomorrow and then Sunday I get to put in my final hours as the two-year-old teacher at church. That makes me feel like this pregnancy is really flying! 26 weeks along now! :)
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Love your new sun hat and there is nothing better than a new planner!! And OMG. Those mini snickers look SO good! And you're right- the perfect compromise for when you are craving a sweet treat!! :) have a great weekend!!