Well, I have been blog-MIA lately, but life has taken hold of me. This is been such a busy busy week for us as we celebrated three birthdays, a college graduation, and Mother's Day!
Big families are so good for that...lots of celebrations to keep a person busy!
Monday night was such a surprise night for me. My sister asked if she could take me out to dinner for my birthday, which I was so excited about. A night out with my sister without the kids is so rare nowadays! Little did I know, she had a whole plot to surprise me with a dinner with almost my whole family at one of my most favorite restaurants downtown.
As we walked into Sitti, a delicious Lebanese restaurant, all I remember seeing were a bunch of pink balloons tied to a chair on my left. Less than a second later I looked down and saw my parents and most of my other sisters smiling at me! I was completely shocked!
The table was decked out with "30" confetti, flowers, fancy drinks, and appetizers ready to be eaten... pretty much my dream come true! It was such a special night that ended with half a dozen cupcakes and 30 candles for me to blow out! I thought that my birthday couldn't get any more special and just like that, it did. I am so blessed.

On Tuesday it was my turn to surprise Justin with a guy's night out for his birthday. What more could a man want than a night away from his pregnant wife and kids?! I sent him on his merry way complete with a pile of hot dogs, bags of chips, and a pan of brownies for his whole crew. They had such a great time at the bar/ arcade that I picked out for him! Go me!
Wednesday was my actual birthday and I got to do exactly what I wanted... be with my kids. In the morning I took them to an indoor playground along with some friends. When I got home, Justin kept them so I could go to the store and treat myself to an Iced Caramel Macchiato (YUM!) When I got home he told me should get a massage, so I ended the day with an hour massage and some quiet time to thank God for an amazing birthday!
Thursday was a busy day, as I packed up the house and prepped for a weekend at the beach in celebration of my sister's graduation from college and my other sister's birthday. More about our amazing, all-too-short beach weekend tomorrow!
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